Friday, April 24, 2020

TEA Extract Essay

The director designed the extract to be somber and intense. The atmosphere, set in a medieval setting, had no lightheartedness in this film-- though it does in a sense seem a bit mystical. Though the Game of Thrones extract theme overall does not seem to be pleasant, but rather interesting nonetheless.
In the first scene, which shows the two travelers' voyage to the bank, is a stage setter for the scene to come, although it does show some of the themes within it. For instance, the props and the setting (location) displayed when the aerial shot occurs give the mystical image I described as well as clarify the setting and time period that the film was made. The lighting on the ship ride reflected the waves; cold and harsh, using mostly cool tones. These tones reflect the tone of the extract. The score also reflects the mystical feel-- the nature of the music was climatic and somewhat upbeat, but also felt kind of surreal. The zoom that went from the travelers to the aerial shot gave clarity to the situation, but also was a key element in setting the pace for the next scene.
The next scene was much more clear in its vision and delivery. The props yet again convey the time period through the chairs and furniture in the iron bank, but also through the attire worn by the people of the iron bank. The lighting is also more obvious-- the same cold and somber overtones are highlighted on the faces of the people inside as well as on the walls. The dialogue was a key element in showing the tension between the two parties (Stannis and Davos and the Iron Bank). It shows the context of the arrival and the reasoning behind it.The shot-reverse-shot highlights this-- the dispute between the two parties is heightened with every shot reverse shot, showing each side’s visual response to the other’s statements. Lastly, the low angle of Davos when he stood up for Stannis was a very evident tone enhancer. It showed his frustration and discontent with the Iron Bank’s statements.
To conclude, the tone of this extract was tense and somber. In order to convey this, angles, lighting, location, shots, movements, editing and sound all came together to compliment one another in a certain way. It was because of these things the cool tones, high and wide shots, and tense dialogue why the director was able to achieve this mood. 

This is my essay that I wrote for the TEA extract assignment. I chose Game of Thrones as my extract, and followed the Cambridge procedure prior to the essay as practice, which I will post after this. In case the definition of TEA was not known prior to this blog, here is the definition:

                T-Terminology (vocabulary)
                E-Examples (How the Terminology is used.)
A-Analyze (Why is this example important to the overall message of the extract?)

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